En el corazón de Glenview, Illinois, una tradición extraordinaria ha crecido durante los últimos 25 años. Los voluntarios detrás de esta campaña comunitaria no solo han recaudado fondos valiosos para la atención e investigación del ELA, sino que también han …
Faces of ALS: Living life to the fullest
Jessica Morris always knew there was a possibility that she might carry the SOD1-ALS gene and eventually get ALS, but she never dwelled on it, keeping busy with her three children – Aidan, Christopher and Mia. In 2020, she began …
Faces of ALS: Ina Turner Jones
“When I was told that Lester had ALS, I couldn’t even pronounce the word,” said Ina Turner Jones. “I don’t remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, but I remember the doctor’s speech verbatim.” Ina Turner Jones, widow of Les …
Faces of ALS: Devoted to Care
Jayanthy Thiagarajah was a fiercely independent woman and a devoted grandmother. In early 2021, having recently lost her husband, Jayanthy was still in mourning when she took a couple of nasty falls that required medical attention. She lived in Boston, …
Faces of ALS: A mother’s love
Chaunelle Caver-Perkins and her family will be among the guests at the 35th annual Hope Through Caring Gala this Saturday, Feb. 18. You can support the ALS research, education and clinical care described below by participating in our silent auction. …
Rostros del ELA: redefiniendo la defensa de derechos para una nueva generación
En 2017, Brian y Sandra estaban construyendo su vida juntos. Se conocieron mientras trabajaban en la campaña de Obama en 2008 y más tarde trabajaron en la Casa Blanca, a pocos metros de distancia. Ambos estaban enfocados en el servicio …
Faces of ALS: Hope Through Painting
Please join us at the Hope Through Caring Gala on Saturday, Feb. 18, where Ken and his wife Ann, award honorees Brian Wallach & Sandra Abrevaya and First Bank Chicago, and people living with ALS will be our guests of …
Faces of ALS: Remembering Marshall Krolick – One of the Foundation’s Founding Members
When Marshall Krolick passed away in February, the Les Turner ALS Foundation lost one of its longest-standing family members and biggest supporters. As a close friend of Les Turner, for whom the Foundation is named, Marshall was at the hospital …