Descubra ideas de regalos pensadas y prácticas en nuestra Guía de regalos para personas que viven con ELA, desarrollada con la ayuda de nuestros coordinadores de servicios de apoyo. Ya sea que esté buscando un regalo para un ser querido …
Las cosas que más importan
El año pasado, a Brian Davis le diagnosticaron ELA a los 35 años. Esta temporada navideña, él y su esposa, Katy McNeil, quieren compartir cómo la enfermedad ha cambiado sus vidas y lo mucho que el apoyo a la Les …
2023 Gift Guide for People Living With ALS
On Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or any day this holiday gift season, it’s never too early to start looking for the perfect present. If your holiday shopping list includes someone who is living with ALS or a caregiver, we’ve compiled …
Studies Identify Novel Underpinnings of Genetic ALS
A pair of recent studies from the laboratory of Evangelos Kiskinis, PhD, associate professor in the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology’s Division of Neuromuscular Disease and of Neuroscience and a member of the Les Turner ALS Center at Northwestern Medicine, have uncovered novel …
Letter to the Editor: Support veterans with ALS
This letter was published in the Chicago Tribune on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023 For many people, baseball is the first thing that comes to mind when they think of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, thanks to New York Yankees player …
Thank you!
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for joining us on the 22nd annual Les Turner ALS Walk for Life. Your participation shone as bright as the sun on that perfect autumn day, illuminating the remarkable passion and commitment of …
ALS Better Care Act introduced in Congress
UPDATE (12/14/2023): We encourage you to raise your voice in support of the ALS Better Care Act through MDA’s Action Center. UPDATE (11/9/2023): The ALS Better Care Act has now been introduced in the U.S. Senate. We are pleased to …
Walker Wednesday #8 Know Before You Go
Know Before You Go Can you believe the ALS Walk for Life is only three days away? We are so excited to see everyone again at Soldier Field so soon. From everyone at the Foundation, thank you so much for …
Walker Wednesday #7 Sneak Preview of the Big Day
Hello, walkers! Welcome to Walker Wednesday where we share inspiring stories and tips on how to run a successful fundraiser and keep you up to date on Walk news. With the ALS Walk for Life less than two weeks away, get ready …
Faces of ALS: The Tejeda Family’s Journey / El Camino de la Familia Tejeda
At the age of 54, Martin Tejada found himself in uncharted territory for the second time. Originally from Atlixco in the state of Puebla, Mexico, he immigrated to Chicago at 19, and over the decades that followed, his family has …