Walker Wednesday #2 General Fundraising Tips

Ashley RosenbrockFoundation Blog, Walker Wednesday

Hello, walkers! Welcome to Walker Wednesday where we share inspiring stories and tips on how to run a successful fundraiser and keep you up to date on Walk news.

Host a FUNdraising Event

Fundraising events are a great opportunity to use your skills and your friends’ and family’s interests to achieve your fundraising goal. Here are some tips for hosting your own event:
  • Get creative! Meet with your team to brainstorm fun ways to fundraise together. There are endless ways to fundraise and every team is different. Find out what works best for your team.
  • Ask for help. Planning an event can be a daunting task, so remember to lean on others for help. Teamwork makes the dream work.
  • Partner with your favorite local spot. You may be surprised to find that a wide variety of local businesses are happy to work with you to host a fundraising event.
  • Turn your idea virtual. Hosting a virtual event can connect you with more people who may not be available to travel or who may not be comfortable with in-person events.

Walker Spotlight: Abby Weinstein

Abby Weinstein is a manager of ClimbZone indoor climbing and entertainment center in northern Chicago and she will be attending the Walk in honor of her dear friend currently living with ALS, Lisa, and Lisa’s two siblings who have passed from ALS. Since Lisa’s brother’s diagnosis in 2019, Abby has raised money for ALS for her birthday every year in addition to participating in the Walk.

«I will walk this year for them and the bravery each one of them exuded and my friend continues to exude on a daily basis. And, I will walk and continue to walk and raise money for all those past, present, and future stricken’ with ALS in hopes that a cure can be found to prevent this dreadful disease and it does not continue to go incurable.»

Abby would be proud to help you host a ClimbZone fundraising event where a portion of their sales will be donated back to the Foundation. To schedule a fundraiser at Climbzone, contact Abby at 773-455-0555 or Em.chicago@climbzone.us.

Hosting fundraising events through Climbzone and other activity centers is an easy way to reach fundraising goals while having fun. Reach out to your favorite activity center to host a fundraiser.