Walker Wednesday #3 Get involved

Ashley RosenbrockFoundation Blog, Walker Wednesday

Hello, walkers! Welcome to Walker Wednesday where we share inspiring stories and tips on how to run a successful fundraiser and keep you up to date on Walk news.

Everyone’s support systems are different. While some teams use online fundraising methods like Facebook, emails, texts, etc. to reach their fundraising goals, other teams best reach their fundraising goals through offline fundraising methods.

Think about your friends and family and decide whether asking for donations online or offline is the most effective. Consider using both methods to ensure that you are making donating as easy as possible, no matter whom you ask.

Walker Spotlight: Bonny Gaffen

Bonny Gaffen is a founder of the Les Turner ALS Foundation and she has been a top fundraiser since the first ALS Walk for Life in 2001.

«I watched my brother-in-law, Les Turner, go through ALS before the LTALSF was formed when there was no one or no place to get information and it was awful. I am so happy that we formed the LTALSF and are helping ALS patients and their families by giving hope, help, and support to them so they are not alone as we were with Les.»

Bonny collects the majority of her donations through letter-writing. Though it takes more effort than asking online, she has found that receiving a letter with a personal note makes a bigger impact on the recipient, making them feel special and making the ask feel more meaningful. Bonny also suggests sharing the letter-writing responsibility with a co-captain or other teammates.

Involve your Workplace

Your workplace is a great place to ask for donations in person or set up a donation jar for people to drop off cash.

You can even create a team with your coworkers! Fundraising and walking together is a great team-building experience.

Take it from us! The Les Turner ALS Foundation staff create their own team every year, «Les Turner Staff Squad,» and compete for who can fundraise the most.

Help us spread the word!

We’ve made a flyer that you can print and post around your community. Distribute anywhere with a public bulletin board like coffee shops, the library, your workplace, grocery stores, etc.
And if you have pictures of your team from previous Walks, send them our way! We’re always looking for great pictures to share.