Grayslake Lacrosse vs ALS There is nothing like celebrating when a community comes together for a shared vision. On Friday, May 11th, the Grayslake North High School and Grayslake Central High School lacrosse teams are holding their first annual Grayslake …
May is ALS Awareness Month
What are you doing to raise awareness? May isn’t just an exciting month because we can finally put away our winter jackets. May is also exciting because it’s ALS Awareness Month, a chance for the ALS community to work together …
Faces of ALS: Running His Personal Best
In 2015, Julian Davis was a student at Saint Xavier University when he received the devastating news that his father, Samuel, had been diagnosed with ALS. Immediately, Julian began searching for a way to honor his father. As a student-athlete …
Podcast Feature: «Behind the Curtain» with Paul Lisnek
This week, the Les Turner ALS Foundation had the privilege to sit down with WGN-TV political analyst, Paul Lisnek, on his weekly podcast “Behind the Curtain”. Through personal connections and participating in our annual events, such as the ALS Walk …
Kiskinis lab work published in journal Cell Stem Cell
We are excited to share a newly published finding from Dr. Evangelos Kiskinis, one of the lead researchers at the Les Turner ALS Center at Northwestern Medicine. A few words from Dr. Kiskinis: «In our latest manuscript, which was published …
Faces of ALS: «They were right there when I needed them…»
For fifteen years, Darryl Carradine lived thinking he had Multiple Sclerosis. But something didn’t seem right. His symptoms kept getting worse and he wasn’t getting the help he needed. In a rare twist of fate, Darryl met the doctor who …