Our ALS Walk for Life team captains are one of the main reasons our Walk is a success each and every year. They send out emails, make phone calls and post on social media, all in their fervent effort to …
$3.1 Million NIA Grant for ALS Drug Therapies
Hande Ozdinler, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a faculty member at our Les Turner ALS Center at Northwestern Medicine, was awarded a $3.1 million grant, over five years, from the National Institute …
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 5-Year Anniversary
Summer of 2019 marks the fifth anniversary of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This viral phenomenon encouraged people to dump buckets of ice over themselves and donate to an ALS organization. The Ice Bucket Challenge raised a tremendous amount of …
Faces of ALS: Happy Birthday, Harvey Gaffen!
In 1976, Harvey Gaffen’s brother-in-law and best friend, Les Turner, was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 36. Les was a businessman in the Chicago area and married with three young boys. «Being brothers-in-law was secondary to being best friends. …
«Luckiest Man on Earth» – A Tribute to Lou Gehrig by Lin Brehmer
Lou Gehrig looked unbreakable. Broad shoulders, powerful arms, he seemed as solid as the Adirondack ash trees that were tooled for baseball bats. His prodigious strength underscored a flare for the dramatic. His major league record 23 career grand slams …