Biogen Briefing Notes – Scientific Advisory Council (SAC)

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The following note is being passed along from the Board of Directors of the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations…

The Board of Directors of the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations is pleased to provide information for Member Associations in the form of briefing notes from the Scientific Advisory Council (SAC). For more information on the SAC click here.

Please find attached an updated briefing note focused on Biogen.

The role of the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations’ Scientific Advisory Council is to be a centralized resource to review and provide global perspective on scientific and biomedical announcements, information and opportunities relating to ALS/MND. Outside of the Alliance communications, the Council is not intended to be responsible for outward communication to the general public or to the ALS/MND community, but instead for internal information for Members so each Member can then have a vetted perspective which will allow them to determine how best to communicate to their community and stakeholders.

This statement is posted on our website at

I would like to thank Dr. David Taylor, Chair, and the other members of the SAC, for their ongoing commitment to the ALS/MND community and for assisting our Members in providing this information.






Calaneet Balas
