We’re in it Together at the ALS Walk for Life!

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The ALS Walk for Life, which will take place on Saturday, September 24 at Soldier Field, brings together thousands of walkers to create ALS awareness and raise much-needed funds for ALS care and research. But it also creates something else that’s valuable: community.

Many teams return year after year, while for others, it is their first time participating in the Walk, like Dave’s Fight Club led by Team Captain Ken. Ken and his husband Dave, who is living with ALS, look forward to the support of the ALS community.

( l to r) Dave and Ken

“My husband Dave was diagnosed with Bulbar Onset ALS this past June,” says Ken. “This year has been very difficult. We felt alone. There were no answers and no comprehension of what we are facing. The Les Turner ALS Foundation has been wonderful to us. When we reached out and asked for help, Les Turner’s compassionate ALS support services coordinators were the first to immediately give us vital information and let us know that we are not alone.”

Having been together for 30 years, Dave and Ken are especially excited about this Walk since it will bring together their two families for the first time as a united front to support not only Dave, but others impacted by ALS.

“Dave’s Fight Club is all about support and love. We want to let others know that we are not alone,» says Ken. “We believe strongly in contributing to the ALS cause, supporting the ALS community, and creating more ALS awareness. Additionally, we walk to show our appreciation of the Foundation and for what they have done and will continue to do for us.”

Why should others put together a team and participate in the ALS Walk for Life?

“Before Dave’s ALS diagnosis, we never knew how many people are affected by ALS,” says Ken. “As we started to talk openly about Dave’s diagnosis, so many people mentioned that they knew someone who was lost to ALS.” He adds, “We want people to know that the Les Turner ALS Foundation offers help and support for those who are affected by ALS, along with their friends and families. And this walk is just a small way of giving back and saying, ‘thank you’ for all that you do.”

Register or donate now for the ALS Walk for Life so that others like Dave and Ken can receive the support and services that they need in fighting ALS.