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Breathing support for people with ALS

Progress — 40%

Are there any disadvantages of using NIV?

It’s important to understand that NIV can’t cure ALS or stop your ALS symptoms. And there are some disadvantages of using NIV.

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NIV equipment can be expensive. Some insurance plans may help to cover the cost — check with your insurance company to find out what they cover.

You may need help from family or friends to set up your NIV device, clean it or adjust how it fits. You may also need help putting your mask on each time you use it and taking it off when you’re done.

Wearing the NIV device may be uncomfortable at first. Some people find that the mask irritates their nose or makes their throat feel dry, and some people feel bloated when they wear the device. Your care team can help you make adjustments so that it’s more comfortable for you to wear the NIV device.

The NIV mask can make your words sound a bit muffled, making it hard to talk while you’re wearing the device. With practice, you can learn to talk more clearly while you’re wearing the mask. Your care team can recommend talking exercises to help.

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