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Nutrition support for people with ALS

Progress — 60%

If I choose to use a feeding tube, when is the right time to start?

There are benefits to using a feeding tube early — as soon as you start having trouble eating, drinking, or taking medicine on your own. Getting a feeding tube early can improve your quality of life and help you live longer.

Remember, you’ll need to have surgery to place the feeding tube in your stomach. Getting a feeding tube is safer and easier if you are able to breathe on your own or with the help of a non-invasive ventilation (NIV) device. Depending on your situation, your care team may recommend getting the feeding tube placed before you actually need it — even if you aren’t having trouble swallowing. This will also give you more time to get used to the feeding tube.

Your ALS care team can help you figure out the best time to start using a feeding tube. To find out how well you’re breathing and swallowing, your doctors may do some tests, like:  

  • A swallow study to check how well you can swallow different types of food and drinks on your own 
  • A forced vital capacity (FVC) test to check how much air you can breathe out
A patient talks to a health care professional.
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